Services for Employees

Whether you have been unfairly dismissed at work, made redundant or discriminated against, we can help and guide you through the intricacies of employment legislation.

If you have been presented with a Compromise Agreement or severance package, our lawyers have the skill and expertise to negotiate with your employer or other solicitors to obtain the best deal.

In most cases, a meeting is not necessary for a Compromise Agreement and we can deal with such matters on the telephone or e-mail.

We can help you with the following:

  • Severance packages and Compromise Agreements
  • Unfair dismissals and redundancies
  • Discrimination and equality issues (sex, race, age, sexual orientation and religious belief)
  • Flexible Working
  • Whistleblowing
  • Equal pay
  • Breach of Contract
  • Grievance and disciplinary issues
  • Representation at Employment Tribunals and Courts
  • Maternity and Parental Leave

Key Contact(s)

Raj Dhokia
Phone_Icon 020 7625 6003
mail_Icon Email Raj

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